Our Vision

Experience should be shared.


AMC Rail was formed in 2018 with a single goal in mind:      to offer high quality and trusted guidance within the shortline railroad industry.

We believe that sharing experience and know-how is key to improving operating efficiencies.

We offer direct access to highly skilled and verified railroad contractors, which when combined. offer more than 100 years of railroad experience.

Maintaining a positive reputation within the industry is something that should be valued. Our experience and confidence is displayed through high quality, reputable work. 

AMC Rail is ready to earn your business. Contact us today for a customized solution to grow and improve your organization or business.


Ray Kammer Jr
Owner, Founder, Lead Consultant

Our founder, Ray Kammer (left), brings over 20 years of shortline railroad experience and networking to AMC Rail. Ray is the President of Cincinnati Railway Company and Cincinnati Scenic Railway.